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Combined Suprascapular and Axillary nerve

Let's delve deeper into the fascinating study on the combination of suprascapular nerve block (SSNB) and axillary nerve block (ANB) for arthroscopic shoulder surgery. As a physician, you'll appreciate the nuances that make this research impactful: 

Efficacy and safety of suprascapular nerve block combined with axillary nerve block for arthroscopic shoulder surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 

A quick review of this study:

  1. The Pain Conundrum

    1. Arthroscopic shoulder surgery is a boon for patients due to its minimally invasive nature. 

    2. However, postoperative pain management remains a critical challenge. 

    3. Traditional approaches like interscalene block (ISB) have limitations, including potential complications. 

  2. Enter SSNB + ANBThe study investigates the novel approach of combining SSNB (targeting

    1. the suprascapular nerve) with ANB (which also plays a role in shoulder innervation). 

    2. Why this combo? Because it offers a promising balance between efficacy and safety.

  3. Efficacy InsightsSSNB + ANB vs. ISB

    1. Comparable pain control efficacy during the critical early postoperative period (first 24 hours). 

    2. Patients experience relief without compromising outcomes. 

    3. Tailored Analgesia: 

      1.  Imagine fine-tuning pain relief like adjusting a precision instrument. 

      2. SSNB + ANB provides targeted relief, minimizing discomfort while optimizing function. 

  4. Safety Matters:

    1. Fewer Complications:

      1.  ISB isn't without risks (phrenic nerve palsy, Horner's syndrome, etc.). 

      2. SSNB + ANB emerges as a safer alternative, especially for specific patient populations.  

    2. Patient-Centric Approach:

      1. Consider patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obstructive sleep apnea, or morbid obesity. 

      2. SSNB + ANB caters to their unique needs. 

  5. Clinical Implications

    1. Surgeons:

      1. Consider this dual-block approach for your arthroscopic shoulder cases. 

      2. Tailor it based on patient characteristics. 

    2. Anesthesiologists: 

      1. Expand your toolkit beyond traditional blocks. 

      2. Enhance patient satisfaction and safety. 

Intrigued? Valkyrie Simulators offers realistic anatomy for hands-on practice including anatomy recognition, ultrasound guidance, needle positioning and injection practice.  Dive into the full article here or explore the use of Suprascapular  Block simulator. Request further information and register for Valkyrie’s Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Training Workshops to elevate your journey through nerve pathways, precision medicine, and patient-centered care.  

Zhao, Jinlonga,b.; Xu, Nanjuna,b,; Li, Jiahuia,b,; Liang, Guihonga,e; Zeng, Lingfenga,e; Luo, Minghuia,e; Pan, Jiankea,e; Yang, Weiyia,e,; Liu, Juna,c,d,. Efficacy and safety of suprascapular nerve block combined with axillary nerve block for arthroscopic shoulder surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Surgery 94(): p 106111, October 2021. | DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2021.106111 


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