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Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Workshop trainers in use

Valkyrie’s past blogs discuss the importance of structuring a training program for memory retention but how easy is it to develop a template that can be used across all training platforms?

My quest for answers included interviews with medical professionals and many hours of online searches. Since immersive training through simulation comes in many forms using virtual and physical interaction with a common endpoint for successful outcomes. The question became; “How to develop a template that serves all platforms for any product or procedure in any market or training space?” The search for a template that works for all the above will have your head spinning. One thing all interviews agreed that while simulation has been introduced into medical education in the form of immersive training for team interaction, infectious disease control, employee and patient safety, patient scenarios, and practical skills and technique training for medical procedures, they have been pieced together in a procedure without a practical roadmap. One reported a major facility provided the procedure as a PowerPoint presentation with a "fill in" plan of action.

Many procedures were written years ago when the first patient and CPR mannequins were introduced and are more subjective than objective. After much research, I widened the search to include “best practice for simulation training and outcome”.

I soon determined that while training knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) will differ for each type of training, group, and type of procedure, the training procedure should remain consistent. During a recent review of publications and training processes, I found the INACSL Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM Outcomes and Objectives to be one of the best examples for an easy to follow “template”.

It includes a simple explanation and roadmap for a temple that can be applied to any training platform. You can select any link below to read the entire document.

All simulation-based experiences begin with the development of measurable objectives designed to achieve expected outcomes.

1. Determine expected outcomes for simulation-based activities and/or programs.

2. Construct S.M.A.R.T. objectives based on expected outcomes.

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives (incorporates CDC criteria for objectives)

· Specific: What exactly are we going to do for whom?

· Measurable: Is it quantifiable and can we measure it?

· Achievable: Can we get it done in the proposed time frame with the resources and support we have available?

· Realistic: Will it affect the desired goal or outcome?

· Time phased: When will this objective be accomplished?

Criterion 1: Determine expected outcomes for simulation-based activities and/or programs.

Criterion 2: Construct Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-phased objectives based on expected outcomes.



Contact Valkyrie for assistance with developing your training program

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